We offer sensorial artistic and digital experiences, networking and inspiration for your employees and partners.
Exchange and engage through major events throughout the Sud region of France.
“Patronage means giving back a part of the wealth we’ve created to generate emotion and meaning, to share and connect with others.”
Jean-Luc CHAUVIN – President CCI Aix Marseille Provence
“Being part of the Digital Art Club is a surprising, disturbing and deep experience, particularly the encounter with Passengers, which was awarded the 2020 crush/prize.”
Isabelle CAMPAGNOLA-SAVON – Elected representative of the Sud Region
“Becoming a founding member of the DAC enabled us to unite our teams and strengthen our cultural and social position.”
Delphine PEREZ-GINESTE – Habside
“ Le club est une véritable boîte à outil pour les firmes, il leur permet d’exprimer leur mission au travers d’expériences numériques”
Alexandre CONTENCIN – Marsatwork
“ L’objectif du Digital Art Club ? Construire une culture collective du numérique associant adhérents, salariés et habitants de la cité”
Events held alongside stunning digital experiences in the Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolitan Area
A PR service and high-quality content you can use on social network
The Club supports Digital Art in public space
The Club supports educational and sociocultural actions on the theme of digital art
Would you like to join our Business Club and become a patron of the Digital Art Club?