Club XR presents “VRille – Une invitation à partir en vrille”, an exhibition that transcends the boundaries of reality through three virtual reality experiences.
We’re taking you on a spiral of evolution, transformation and consciousness, where it’s all a question of perspective. Through virtual reality works, we invite you to plunge into alternative worlds, where reality is distorted and reinvented. A twist, a deformation, a spring that oscillates between reality and virtuality.
Whether it’s the dissolution of normality in “Marco & Polo”, the infinite evolution of forms in “Recoding Entropia”, or the profound contemplation of existence in “Conscious Existence”, there’s always a break with reality, bringing new and intriguing perspectives. Each work, in its own way, questions the laws that govern this world, be they biological, physical or social. They are like tendrils: piercing, dizzying and elevating.
Our aim with this exhibition is to offer a collective experience, navigating between the tangible and the intangible, constantly changing scale and situation, an exploration of virtual horizons.
With the support of the European Union as part of the Realities in Transition project, the CNC, and Diversion Cinéma
VR experiences